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Fresh regulations aimed at modernizing and streamlining immigration procedures

The Portuguese Government has set forth a plan for 2024 to expedite and streamline immigration proceedings in Portugal. This initiative is evident in the revised regulatory decree altering the legal framework for Foreign Law in Portugal (Law no. 23/2007).

Recent amendments to the law, integrated within the “Mais Habitação” program, have notably led to the restructuring of SEF – Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, culminating in the establishment of the new agency AIMA – Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo, I. P. Consequently, it has become imperative to consolidate these recent changes in the legislation.

The primary objective is to modernize and simplify the administrative processes currently overseen by immigration authorities. This overhaul aims to equip the new agency, AIMA, with the necessary tools to assess and expedite cases more efficiently, reducing bureaucratic hurdles while upholding heightened security standards.

These measures align with the Government’s stated objective for the new agency to address the prevailing backlog and delays in application reviews.

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